Sunday, July 14, 2013

Third trimester

Pregnancy is by far the weirdest thing I've ever experienced! Every week something is different and everything is considered "normal" haha. But this third trimester the nausea has gotten worse again, I haven't been puking much, but I do take my nausea meds most if not all days. I'm so achey, ny ribs and back kill and apparently my kidneys are pretty swollen as well. And I'm so incredibly thirsty!!! Can't wait for the end of the pregnancy to come and meet our little angel!

Crafty creations

So lately I've been making lots of bows, hairclips and bow ties. They are so dang cute! I sell them to make some side money, ever little bit helps right? Everytime I make a new one I am tempted to keep it for our little baby though! I love making crafts, I wish I had the money to make wreaths, curtains, home decor, and all sorts of things! I seriously love doing that!


So we officially have another dog. Her name is Koki. It's sort of crazy, but she is actually my old dog before I was married and lived at my moms. My mom was moving and gave her to my sister n laws friends. I was upset because I wanted to keep her but Logan and I weren't sure where we would be living so we couldn't do it. The family decided they didn't want her anymore (I have NO idea why) so we took her back. Logan and I love her, she is darling and so well behaved and kiwi loves her little buddy!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Pregnancy, Moving and Craziness

I haven't posted in a long time, Ill do my best to remember what has happened. First off we moved!!! Such a relief on so many levels, no more crappy stairs i get to fall down, no more weird smell, no more stupid landlords who can't even wave to me, no more one bedroom, no more yucky carpet. Yahoo! So on to the new place, before we moved in it was in scary condition and needed a lot of work we worked out a deal and we ended up doing the work on the house, which is nice because we can do it how we wanted it. So we ripped out all the carpet, took off the popcorn ceiling, spackled, primed and painted everything. the originally colors were a lovely green, pink and blue and did I mention these were very bright colors. oh also when we moved in they had left a cat here! awesome, don't worry logan trapped him, well he actually caught him haha.